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Why Parents Need to Be Supportive Allies (not friends) to Their Teens and Why This is So Important

By Adam Simon | February 27, 2019 |
Adam and Lauren discuss parents being allies to their kids - Video thumbnail

  I had the good fortune to work with Lauren Muriello, LPC of Well Being Therapy Center, for many years at teen camp before she became a mom and a great therapist. At camp Lauren had a way of being clear and direct with campers and staff that was also kind, patient, and compassionate. She often…

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How Anxiety Can Help Teens Practice For Life Challenges

By Adam Simon | February 27, 2019 |
Adam and Lauren discuss how anxiety can be a teacher - Video thumbnail

  Getting to the other side of anxiety In this short video Lauren Muriello, LPC of Well Being Therapy Center, talks about how we all experience anxiety and that it is a natural, healthy part of the human condition. This reminds me of I a quote I saw recently that read …  Using fear as…

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Connection, Belonging and the Importance of Having Anchors in Teenagers’ Lives

By Adam Simon | January 23, 2019 |
Video thumbnail of Adam and Amy in discussion

The positive impact of even one adult in a teen’s world can be life-changing. In video 6 of 8, Amy talks about our need for connection and the importance of teens having at least one person who sees and “gets” them. Amy calls these people anchors. I know all parents want to be anchors in…

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The Dark Tunnel of Adolescent Evolution (Part 1): Why Parents Need to Stay in The Game

By Adam Simon | May 14, 2018 |
Amy and Adam discuss the dark tunnel part 1 - video thumbnail

  Introducing an 8-part series to help parents This is the first of an eight-part interview series I conducted with Amy Frisch, a wonderful therapist who has been leading teenage girls’ groups for over twenty years. In this segment, we discuss teenagers’ challenges as they leave their childhood behind. The dark tunnel Amy calls it…

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Nurturing the Teen Spirit While Living in a Uncertain World

By Adam Simon | May 10, 2018 |
Adam and Amy discuss nurturing the teen spirit - Video thumb

  One of the things that struck me in this segment (#7) with Amy is the importance of recognizing that while teenagers may look and sound like adults, they are not. Our world may feel more unpredictable and more dangerous than ever, and kids may grow up quicker than ever, but we still need to…

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Thoughts on Gender and How Kids Can Help us Grow if We Allow it to Happen

By Adam Simon | May 9, 2018 |
Adam and Amy discuss how to speak to teens about gender - Video thumb

  I love this segment with Amy. It’s short, but she touches on several things we, as parents, would be well served to keep in mind. When talking about gender and sexuality, Amy says, almost as an aside …   I love that she said that, and it is something I will keep in mind…

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It’s Not Your Journey: Giving Teens The Space to Navigate Their Lives

By Adam Simon | May 8, 2018 |
Video thumbnail - Amy and Adam discuss.

  How can we allow teenagers to make their own decisions when we know what we know? In this last video in my eight-part series with therapist Amy Frisch, we get into some of the reasons why teenagers “twist the truth” and how we can help them self-navigate difficult situations. What does giving space look…

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Parenting Adolescents: Structure, Limits and Flowing With The Changing Tide of The Parent Child Relationship

By Adam Simon | May 8, 2018 |
Parenting Adolescents -video thumb of Adam and Amy in discussion

  Sometimes a metaphor can serve as a powerful way to illustrate an idea. In video 3 of my 8-part discussion with teen therapist, Amy Frisch, she compares parenting to the beach’s shoreline and how it shifts and changes, and how parents of teenagers need to shift and change like the ocean as their teens…

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A Non-Profit Overnight Summer Camp For Teens Ages 13-18
Located in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts.

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