Financial Assistance Camperships

We Want to Help
As of March 18, 2024, we are only accepting financial aid for session D of the 2024 summer seasons (Sun, July 21st to Sat, July 27th).
Odyssey Teen Camp is proud to announce our campership fund! Our generous community of sponsors has enabled OTC to award families assistance on a sliding scale.
To prioritize diversity and inclusion at camp, funds have been set aside specifically for Black, Indigenous, and rural-area campers.
In addition, the friends and family of our dear friend Jeremy Ruehlemann have dedicated funds to his memory. Jeremy spent eight years with us as a camper and counselor. Read more about the Jeremy Ruehlemann Love Loudly Project.
Campership Fund
Odyssey Teen Camp is committed to offering full and partial scholarships (“camperships”) to families who demonstrate financial need. While some camperships have specific requirements such as race, gender, and sexual orientation, ultimately, our goal is to help every teenager who wants to attend OTC to be able to do so.
How to Apply for Financial Aid
Plan to apply early. Financial assistance is known to run out quickly and is awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Just one application to apply for all of our funds. See the "Apply Now" button below.
Once your application is received, our staff will determine your eligibility for aid. Campership amounts are determined based on household income and what funds are available to give. See the "Apply Now" button below.

Apply For a Camp Scholarship Or Donate and Help Teens in Need
The application is temporarily closed as of Jan 19th, 2023 but will reopen within the next several weeks. Please check back.