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How My Twice Exceptional (2e) Teen Became a Happy Camper

By Adam Simon | November 26, 2019 |
Fin wearing a grass suit

A mom recently wrote about her son Fen’s experience at camp. He’s been coming to OTC for the past five years. Fen is one of the most original, interesting, and hilarious campers who has come to camp. He’s not always the easiest, and when he first came to camp, he seemed to want to go…

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Rays of Sunshine at Odyssey Teen Camp

By Adam Simon | April 22, 2017 |
Matthew and his parents at the Hollywood Bowl

Teenage boy finds hope and connection at summer camp Being a young person is perhaps harder now than it ever was before. The pressures that society can place on our teens is immense – teachers demand better grades, coaches demand more time and better performances on the athletic field, and the temptations put upon our teens by their peers…

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“Truly, it Felt Like Magic.” One Mom’s Take on Odyssey Teen Camp

By Adam Simon | May 6, 2015 |
Teens flexing with confidence

Thriving with new confidence and forming new friendships at camp Every so often, we’ll get unsolicited emails from parents telling us how much teen camp has meant to them and the campers they send to us. This is one such occasion. When you get a group of well-meaning teenagers together, the magic really does happen.…

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Find Out About Odyssey Teen Camp

A Non-Profit Overnight Summer Camp For Teens Ages 13-18
Located in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts.

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