Learning What it Means to Be Alive at Summer Camp
There’s something about being at teen camp that’s hard to put the finger on. Everything seems to happen faster while we’re just relaxing and getting to know one another. What follows is an email Leanna sent us about what camp has meant to her: friendships, fulfillment, and family. We’re so glad she overcame her hesitation because our camp family wouldn’t be the same without her.
Leanna’s camp story
“There are so many things I could say about what I’ve learned and experienced at OTC. When I think back to who I used to be before coming to camp for the first time, I feel nothing but empathy. I can’t even imagine being in the same mindset now as I was then.
Over these last three years, not only have I enriched my understanding of the world and what it means to be alive, I’ve met some of the most amazing people and gotten to be a part of this community I call my family.
Like anyone going to camp for the first time three years ago, saying I was hesitant about coming to OTC would be an understatement.
Little did I know that pushing through that initial fear would benefit me for years to come.
From taking classes such as sacred geometry and hip hop appreciation to participating in late-night activities such as sweat lodge and the trance dance, the level of spiritual depth I have achieved has impacted me profoundly.
Whenever I talk about my time at OTC, a huge smile spreads across my face as I remember the magical memories I’ve made. The love I feel from my ever-growing family brings me a sense of security even after I leave and throughout the following year. I am forever grateful for the counselors and campers I have met and gotten to know on such a deep level. I will never be able to thank Adam Simon enough for everything he has done for me and countless others.
This camp is truly a gift to this world.”
And you’re a gift to our world, Leanna.
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Adam Simon
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Find Out About Odyssey Teen Camp
A Non-Profit Overnight Summer Camp For Teens Ages 13-18
Located in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts.