The OTC Chronicles Stories From a Unique Summer Camp

Two campers. One with snow cone and pink hair. The other with funky hat and blue teeth from snow cone.

Telling Ourselves a Different Story 

By Adam Simon | October 6, 2021 |
Camper Performs at Talent Show

Learning from disappointment and frustration When a camper wants to call home after only being there for a few days, they usually ask their parents to come and get them. They are tired from walking; they don’t love the rustic camping lifestyle; they miss their cell phones or all of the above. Usually, parents reluctantly…

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OTC is Rising Like a Phoenix From The Ashes

By Adam Simon | June 1, 2021 |
The Phoenix

Cosmic Phoenix Rising by Laura Milnor Iverson I don’t know the story of that phoenix very well, but I think it’s about renewal, resurrection, transformation, strength, and all sorts of things that sound really good to me. I started Odyssey Teen Camp about twenty years ago. The last ten years have been tough financially. For…

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Anything But Typical: Celebrating Neurodiversity at Odyssey Teen Camp

By Georgios Tsangaris | April 28, 2021 |
Georgios Tsangaris with dog

Too often, young people are punished for being different. As a neurodivergent person, my teenage years were punctuated by pressures to conform. Teachers and authority figures weren’t interested in how my mysterious brain worked or how fully I felt my feelings.  They were interested in how well I would do well on standardized tests and…

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What Social Justice Looks Like at Odyssey Teen Camp

By Adam Simon | March 25, 2021 |
Teen holds up a protesting sign

“What are the ideas that will liberate all of us? Science fiction is simply a way to practice the future together…practicing futures together, practicing justice together, living into new stories. It is our right and responsibility to create a new world.” -adrienne marie brown, Emergent Strategies: Shaping Change, Shaping Worlds In the summer of 2020,…

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The Gift of Being a Non Profit Summer Camp

By Adam Simon | February 1, 2021 |
Group of teens hug goodbye intensely

I asked my wife while we were walking our dogs the other day why I didn’t make OTC a non-profit years ago, and she said, “you were always so busy planning for summer.” I thought, “oh, yeah, I remember that,” but if I knew then what I know now, I would have focused more on…

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Find Out About Odyssey Teen Camp

A Non-Profit Overnight Summer Camp For Teens Ages 13-18
Located in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts.

Dance party at camp -video thumbnail
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