The OTC Chronicles Stories From a Unique Summer Camp

Two campers. One with snow cone and pink hair. The other with funky hat and blue teeth from snow cone.

“My Heart Feels Lighter When I’m at Teen Camp”

By Odyssey Teen Camp | January 26, 2016 |

Shae Sennett wrote this piece about camp “Whenever I talk about OTC (which is a near-daily occurrence), I always end up being asked the same question: What is it about this camp that makes it so special? As a result, I have spent many hours pondering what exactly makes this experience so unique. I’ve come…

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Learning What it Means to Be Alive at Summer Camp

By Adam Simon | January 20, 2016 |
Leanna smiling wide

There’s something about being at teen camp that’s hard to put the finger on. Everything seems to happen faster while we’re just relaxing and getting to know one another. What follows is an email Leanna sent us about what camp has meant to her: friendships, fulfillment, and family. We’re so glad she overcame her hesitation…

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The Sweetest Sound I Ever Heard – At Odyssey Teen Camp

By Adam Simon | January 12, 2016 |
Alma with her pink hair at camp

Hello, friends of Odyssey Teen Camp. As is our weekly tradition, we’d love to share a story from one of our summer camp family. This time we’ll hear from Alma, who shared this story with us. It’s her college essay, and the prompt was, “What was the sweetest sound you ever heard?” We think it’s…

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Is Odyssey Teen Camp Right for You?

By Adam Simon | December 29, 2015 |
Georgios with his friend Lisa

In 2002, our first year running OTC, a 15-year-old boy named Georgios showed up. He was a unique, intelligent, free-spirited, inspirational young man. Georgios has been coming back to camp for the past thirteen years, leading some of the most interesting and vital activities and discussions for teenagers from all walks of life. He has…

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“Truly, it Felt Like Magic.” One Mom’s Take on Odyssey Teen Camp

By Adam Simon | May 6, 2015 |
Teens flexing with confidence

Thriving with new confidence and forming new friendships at camp Every so often, we’ll get unsolicited emails from parents telling us how much teen camp has meant to them and the campers they send to us. This is one such occasion. When you get a group of well-meaning teenagers together, the magic really does happen.…

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Find Out About Odyssey Teen Camp

A Non-Profit Overnight Summer Camp For Teens Ages 13-18
Located in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts.

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