Visiting Artists Program Master Your Art

Teens pose after a performance at camp

We Look for Artists Interested in Fostering Self-Expression, Connection, and Community

Campers benefit immeasurably by interacting with Visiting Artists. No one is better qualified to provide teens with constructive, supportive, actionable feedback to help them focus on their passion in ways they never dreamed possible.

As a result of this feedback, teens gain confidence in their work and summon the will to take their artistic visions to new heights. They develop critical thinking skills and experience a boost in self-esteem. The Visiting Artist Program simultaneously boosts self-esteem, is an incubator for creativity, and a source of inspiration that teens will turn to repeatedly, long after their summer at OTC has ended.

Immeasurable Impact

Each year, artists introduce campers to unique mediums that offer brand new experiences.

Previous projects have included:

Bearspray! The Musical
With Comedian Arti Gollapudi, Drag Artist Sasha Urban & Musician Alex Desimine
and Sound/Lighting Engineer, Alan Pickard
Summer 2024

Campers worked with Arti, Sasha, and Alex to write and perform their very own musical. The teens gave suggestions of what characters they’d like to play, plot ideas, and songs they’d like to parody - Art, Sasha, and Alex took those ideas and wrote a script and music. The campers & artists turned it into a finished production within 5 days.

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The Art Studio That Campers Built
Taught by Sculptor Issac Dunne
Summer 2022

This studio was built by groups of campers, led by Isaac Dunne. Carpentry was introduced to OTC campers not only as a practical skill but also as an approach to problem-solving, teamwork, and the possibility to contribute to lasting social structures. When the studio was complete, campers hosted an Open House party and invited the whole camp to the event. 

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Punk Band Nemesister Video Thumbnail.
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Let’s Make a Punk Band
Taught by NYC band Nemesister
Summer 2022

In the summer of 2022, NYC punk band Nemesister came to Odyssey Teen Camp as part of our Visiting Artists Program. In just one week, Nemesister taught classes and helped campers form two bands. They both wrote their original song and performed for all of OTC on the last day of camp. Providing teens with a one-of-a-kind experience that will pay dividends for years also requires financial resources to attract the best artists.

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Building a World-Class Program

A successful Visiting Artists program requires an unwavering commitment to excellence by OTC. Rest assured that commitment will never be in short supply. It also requires financial resources to attract the best artists. That’s where you can help us.

Your gift to the Visiting Artists program will help us attract even more world-class artists to our camp, creating a once-in-a-lifetime experience that truly has the power to transform campers’ perspectives on art, on life, and on themselves. The impact of your gift will transcend generations – and it just might inspire the next Warhol or Spielberg.

Video Thumb of Visiting Artist - Michael Dates
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